More Ridiculous “Diversity” Dreck
What are they putting in the water in
Winooski, Vermont? The home of Gretel Ann Fischer, the execrably
unsportsmanlike “winner” of last year's “Next Great Baker”
competition on TLC, has apparently produced yet another looney-tune.
Winooski has an “Operation Bloom”
program. Local residents and businesses can “adopt” and maintain
a flower bed located near a city street or road. Kind of like the
“Adopt a Highway” campaign you see in a lot of communities. And,
of course, the “adopter” gets to put up a sign on “their”
flower bed advertising their contribution. Sounds harmless, right?
Well, it would be if not for idiots.

If I'm lyin' I'm dyin', somebody got
their panties in a wad about that sign. Initial reports identified
the complainer as a Muslim woman. Later reports said she was not only
Muslim, but vegan as well. And she was “offended” by the content
of the sign, saying it was “insensitive to those who do not consume
At this point, you're probably either
outraged or laughing your ass off – or both. Keep laughing, 'cause
it gets better. The restaurant actually took the sign down
rather than “offend” the woman. In terms of a polite, civilized
response to this ludicrous inanity, I am dumbstruck. And the kicker
is I don't know at whom I am more outraged, the cretin who lodged the
complaint or the morons who acted on it.
Let's address the first subject. As
William Shatner once famously said, GET A LIFE!!! What the
**ck is wrong with this woman? “Insensitive to those who do
not consume pork?” What's next? Boycotting the grocery store for
advertising a sale on pork chops? Picketing the local barbecue joint?
Come on! I know a few Muslims and a scad of Jews and none of
them care a single miniscule fig about being around bacon as long as
nobody asks them to eat it. I'm not much for schwarma or gefilte
fish, but I don't go out and get all puckered about places that serve
it. “None for me, thank you.” That's how real people live
their lives.
The latest reports are saying that the
perpetrator of the insanity did not object so much on religious
grounds as on philosophical ones. She was apparently more offended as
a vegan. I don't have a problem with
vegetarians or vegans. I even agree with some of their stances on the
inhumane treatment of commercially raised food animals. But why are
her vegan sensibilities only offended by a place that advertises
bacon? Shouldn't she be demanding that Ronald McDonald shinny up the
pole and remove the word “hamburgers” from the McDonald's sign?
Surely that's insensitive to those who do not consume beef. And those
“cowz” that Chick fil A employs to exhort people to “eat mor
chikin” ought to send her right into apoplexy.
But what about the
doofus owner who actually caved in to her fanatical demand? Well, the
restaurant is getting pasted for it. And rightly so.
The denizens of
Winooski dropped Gretel Ann and her “Cupps Cafe and Bakery” like
a hot rock after her nationally embarrassing debacle unfolded on TV.
I've got a feeling that “Sneakers” may be next. Virtually none of
the commentary on the issue has been supportive of owner Marc
Dysinger's decision to kow tow to the whim of one, single, solitary,
sole protester. This wasn't a movement. There were no pickets or
petitions. This was one petty little piss ant with a small mind and a
big mouth.
Oh, sure, the restaurant tried to spin
it. “We are here to serve people
BREAKFAST, not politics. We removed the sign that was located on
public property as a gesture of respect for our diverse community.
There were also concerns raised about safety. Removing it was not a
difficult decision. We still love bacon. We still love eggs. Please
have the political conversation elsewhere.”
I swear if I hear that mewling “diverse community” dreck bleated
by one more PC sheep I'm gonna toss my cookies. Oh wait......better
not......they're not gluten-free cookies.......I may offend someone.
But I guess Dysinger is just parroting the party line put forth by
the City Manager, Katherine “Deac” Decarreau, who babbled a lot
of PC-speak like, “The cool part of living in a diverse community
is that it’s not always comfortable. It’s a fascinating place
with lots of opportunities for conversation. The city has to pay
attention to a lot of factors while acting within what we can
regulate.” And, "We welcome a rich and respectful
dialogue among the people that live, work and dine here. We believe
that diversity and dialogue is a critical part of what makes us a
truly desirable place to be."
All of which is a circumlocutious way
of saying absolutely nothing.
But Yelpers, Facebookers, Tweeters, and
others are having a lot to say. Things like, "Thanks for
supporting and giving into the Muslims! I'll never eat at your
restaurant!" Things like, “You are idiots. Plain and simple.
Just don't advertise at ALL then, because everything could be
offensive to someone.” Things like, “You caved, plain and simple.
Over BACON. UNREAL Hope you don't have #Redskin potatoes on your
menu.” Or, on a more philosophical note, “Evil first gets a
foothold by censoring speech. how sad that u accommodated it.”
There's even a Facebook page dedicated
to telling Sneakers' management how you feel about the whole thing.
Decarreau said, "It's blown up
beyond all imagination." I don't know, “Deac.” Some people
have pretty vivid imaginations. Witness the commenter who, with
tongue firmly in cheek, suggested that Kevin Bacon may need to change
his name.
My mother was born in Vermont, so I
particularly like this one: “We Vermonters are told to be tolerant
of everyone else's culture, yet we are not allowed to perpetuate our
own culture, which, by the way, includes bacon. McKenzie Brothers,
Harrington's, VT Smoke & Cure, Dakin Farm, & David
Zuckerman's Full Moon Farm are all fine businesses that sell bacon.
Outsiders who come to a new geographical area to live should respect
local customs, not demand we change them to please themselves. As for
me, you will have to pry my bacon from my cold dead hands!”
I know Vermonters and I know there are
two things they won't tolerate; dishonesty and foolishness. Gretel
Ann found out about the dishonesty. Does Sneakers want to become an
object lesson for foolishness?
C'mon, Sneakers, grow a pair. Put your
sign back up while you still have a business to advertise.